A Code of Conducts is the guidelines for behaviour and business. Any violation of the code of conducts and of business will be subject to sanctions as previously determined. The Company’s Code of Conducts applies to all levels of the organization regardless of differences in position, race, ethnicity, and religion. Periodically the Company disseminates the Code of Conduct to all employess through emails, letters, meetings, employee gatherings, and other activities.
The main points of the Code of Conduct include :
- Protection of Company’s assets.
- Anti-Corruption Ethics.
- Fair treatment.
- Ethical behaviour in the workplace, including moral standards and integrity; personal interest; business activities in other places; family relationships; discrimination or harassment; occupational health, safety, and security; drug-free workplace; communication, tools and service system; information and investigation.
- Ethics related to conflicts of interest, covering gifts and entertainment; political activities and contributions; ownership; use of Company’s facilities and nama.
Reference to ethical values that must be adhered to by all employees of the Company refers to the Company’s Articles of Association and Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) that have been signed by the employees when they first joined the Company. CLA violations will be subjectsto sanctions in the form of tiered levels of Warning Letters (SP 1, SP2 dan SP3) as well Termination of Employment.